by ealberto | Jan 12, 2014 | Legal:
Filing for bankruptcy starts with disclosing all financial information. This is done on a form called a ‘bankruptcy petition’, provided by the US Bankruptcy Court. The bankruptcy case starts when the bankruptcy petition form is filed. Both individuals and...
by ealberto | Jan 12, 2014 | Legal:
US law allows courts to declare individuals and businesses bankrupt, allowing them to settle debts without full payment. Filing bankruptcy is a legal action asking the court to make this declaration; deciding to file should account for: –Debts that are owed...
by ealberto | Jan 12, 2014 | Legal:
When a couple marries, they gain the legal right to do certain things together, such as own property or owe debts. Divorce is the legal termination of marriage; the legal status, responsibilities and arrangements of the married couple are cancelled. Divorcing requires...
by ealberto | Jan 12, 2014 | Legal:
When the legal state of marriage is ended by divorce, legal commitments by the couple – property, debts and more – must be resolved. While laws vary by state, the divorce process generally involves distinguishing ‘community property’ that was...
by ealberto | Jan 12, 2014 | Legal:
If a marriage with children is legally ended by divorce, access, time and legal responsibility for the children – ‘custody’ – must be decided. Custody arrangements include physical custody, parental visitation rights, and legal custody. ....