Foreclosure Defense

In a foreclosure, a lender takes legal possession of collateralized property from a borrower who has not met the financial conditions of the loan. Foreclosure defense is the term for legal strategies to stall or stop foreclosure. Foreclosure defense strategies may...

Common Types of Power of Attorney

Imagine a board game player telling a friend ‘roll for me, but don’t sell anything’. Would the friend continue to roll when the player returned? Probably not. In game terms, they were granting a limited, temporary power to act on their behalf. These...

Probate Basics

The legal distribution of assets and property left by someone who has died is called ‘probate.’ It is a process of law, involving government and courts, that ensures proper and legal distribution of their assets. Even if the deceased person had a legal...

Understanding Wills and Trusts

A will is a written document that defines how your assets will be distributed after you die. Trusts are legal arrangements that involve a separate legal entity to hold and distribute assets — during your life, after your life, or both. As an alternative to...

Bankruptcy Basics

Bankruptcy is a set of legally-defined ways for individuals or businesses to settle debts without full payment, by following rules that govern their assets and financial actions for a period of time. There are two broad types, liquidation and reorganization. Under...

Bankruptcy Protection

When a person or business concludes that meeting their debts is not realistic, they may file for bankruptcy in Federal Bankruptcy court. A bankruptcy filing places an automatic stay on debt-related actions and judgements, including wage garnishment —...

Landlord Rights & Responsibilities

A landlord owns property that is rented or leased to someone else – the ‘tenant’ or ‘lessee.’ Both responsibilities and rights for landlords are defined by law – usually state and local codes in the US. Responsibilities for...

Rent-To-Own Agreements

Picture this agreement between two players in a board game: ‘If you land on my property 10 times, pay $5 more each time, and then you can buy it for $200.’ The first player still owns the property for those 10 turns, but the second player has secured a set...

What is Litigation?

In US law, one party can bring a lawsuit against another party in court. In civil cases, the party bringing the suit — called the plaintiff — generally claims to have incurred loss through actions of the other party – the defendant. In criminal...

Alternatives To Litigation

While there’s no concrete answer to how long a lawsuit process might take in court, US cases take over a year on average, and cases running 5 or more years are not unheard of. The load of cases before state courts has increased over time, and staffing has not....