Divorce Basics

When a couple marries, they gain the legal right to do certain things together, such as own property or owe debts. Divorce is the legal termination of marriage; the legal status, responsibilities and arrangements of the married couple are cancelled. Divorcing requires...

Asset Division In Divorce

When the legal state of marriage is ended by divorce, legal commitments by the couple – property, debts and more – must be resolved. While laws vary by state, the divorce process generally involves distinguishing ‘community property’ that was...

Types of Child Custody

If a marriage with children is legally ended by divorce, access, time and legal responsibility for the children – ‘custody’ – must be decided. Custody arrangements include physical custody, parental visitation rights, and legal custody. ....

Intellectual Property Basics

These comparisons to board games might help you understand patents, trademarks and copyright – the main forms of intellectual property. Imagine a game rule that says, you can make up a new rule. If the banker allows the rule, you get exclusive use it for 20...

What is a Limited Liability Corporation?

In US law, corporations are organizations authorized to act as a legal entity. US law also recognizes another legal status for a company, called a ‘limited liability corporation’, or LLC for short. LLCs are not separate legal entities like regular...

What is an S Corporation?

In US law, corporations are organizations authorized to act as a legal entity. US and state tax laws allow a special ‘S Corporation’ tax status that changes how corporate taxes are handled. The government taxes regular ‘C’ corporations directly...

Understanding Tenant Rights

Renting home or business space from an owner comes with legal rights and responsibilities. The landlord can’t do ‘anything they want’, and neither can the tenant. Federal, state and local laws all apply. Under the Federal Fair Housing Act, tenant...

Eviction Rights and Rules

The conditions and steps involved in a landlord forcing a tenant to leave a rented property – ‘eviction’ – are defined by state and local laws. As both landlord and tenants have legal rights, eviction requires methodical and documented steps....

Rental Application Rights

A landlord renting a property has rights in selecting a tenant. Tenants also have rights about the factors that can be considered in selection. While most landlord-tenant issues are governed by states and localities, Federal fair housing laws apply to tenant...

What Is A Short Sale?

When a lender releases an existing mortgage for a payoff that is less or ‘short’ of the total amount due, the transaction is called a ‘short sale.’ Lenders sometimes accept short sales as an alternative to repossession and foreclosure, which...