by ealberto | Jan 12, 2014 | Finding:
The video puts this in more visual terms, but basically, contact the local Chamber of Commerce for promotional literature or talk to your real estate agent about welcome kits, maps, and other information. You can get information about school systems by contacting the...
by ealberto | Jan 12, 2014 | Legal:
A foreclosure is essentially a legally-forced change in possession, where a lender seizes collateralized property – such as a home – when a borrower is unable to pay the loan. While laws vary by state, borrowers typically have a ‘period of...
by ealberto | Jan 12, 2014 | Legal:
Deed In Lieu’ is a common short-hand term for this situation: a borrower can’t make loan payments, and hands over their deed to the property instead, so that the lender does not have to take the home. The full phrase is ‘deed in lieu of...
by ealberto | Jan 12, 2014 | Legal:
What is a power of attorney and how does it work? To keep a board game running while one player takes a break, that player could say to another ‘roll the dice and move for me.’ They are granting the second player power to act fully within the game rules....
by ealberto | Jan 12, 2014 | Legal:
Filing for bankruptcy starts with disclosing all financial information. This is done on a form called a ‘bankruptcy petition’, provided by the US Bankruptcy Court. The bankruptcy case starts when the bankruptcy petition form is filed. Both individuals and...